Now that I am really, truly done with school (again) my days are somewhat open.
That doesn't mean I don't have a lot that I want to do. I have PLENTY to keep me busy.
But this "Free Time" should be good for the garden. And my jewelry making.
Periwinkle Before.
Choking out my cute
little pansies! |
I weeded in front of our house today. Periwinkle- it looks nice, but it takes over, and that doesn't make me too happy. So I pulled that out until I couldn't stand it anymore. Good enough for now!
I also planted some cute yellow flowers that I picked up at the Mother's Day Plant sale at Landis Valley Museum.
I'd post a photo of them, but it's RAINING!!!! And I think I would even classify this as a downpour, so I'm not going out there!
After a few beautiful, sunny days, this weather is just what the big garden needs. (Good thing I got some cucumber seeds in when I did.)
The thing about this rain, and the free time, is that it just makes me want to take a nap. It just seems like the right thing to do on such a grey afternoon. I'm holding out though. I can make it through!
I do have a few projects going on right now:
The original ring. |
°Remake an engagement ring. (I must admit, I am glad to be redoing it. I think it will look SO much better this way than how I originally made it.) It is a rough diamond (great for those of us with self-diagnosed OCD who thrive on symmetry) and I tried to put it in prongs first. It looked so out of place. So now, bezel it is. And my, how I do love bezels. I was lost for a bit trying to design this ring, but then I realized, HEXAGON! I love working with hexagons, and this stone lent itself to using a hexagon. The puzzle started to make sense. After photos coming.
°Make a pearl bracelet.
°Design some earrings for some friends.
°And, I am trying to decide if I should invest in a torch for lampworking (making glass beads.) It would be an awful lot of fun...
I miss my co-op, and my classes. It hasn't even been a week yet since I finished student teaching. Luckily, I have lots to keep me busy (see above), but I realized that I certainly do like to teach- I think going back to school was definitely worth it.
The sun is breaking through the clouds now. Maybe I'll find a rainbow.