Thursday, May 31, 2012

Indirect making of things

I make things.  True statement.
It's a work in progress.
Gardens are kind of different, though.  I grow things, but really, the rain and the sun grow things.  I just tend to them, pluck out their adversaries, and their fruits.
More time in the garden, and it is really getting somewhere!  The tomato plants are growing like crazy, so is everything else, for that matter.  
And, the garden is still tame.  Which is saying something.  We put grass down on the walkways, and we have all soaker hoses this year in hopes that we won't waste water or over water the plants-- or just water their leaves.

The sky is bright blue today, a few clouds floating about.  Hopefully I will have time to venture to the garden to work.

Most importantly, though, more studio time today.
I cleaned and organized my studio the other day, which of course was like a trip down memory lane.
"Ooooh. I made that?"
"Oh, I should finish that.  That was a good start.."
"Why isn't that in the scrap bin?!  Yuck."

But, the small changes I made to the set up made the room a lot easier to work in.  So I definitely look forward to that!
Just a little more to finish on this ring, and it should be done.  *fingers crossed*
Photos to follow of the ring (but not until she gets it!)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How I started my summer vacation.

Now that I am really, truly done with school (again) my days are somewhat open.
That doesn't mean I don't have a lot that I want to do.  I have PLENTY to keep me busy.
But this "Free Time" should be good for the garden.  And my jewelry making.

Periwinkle Before.
Choking out my cute
little pansies!
I weeded in front of our house today.  Periwinkle- it looks nice, but it takes over, and that doesn't make me too happy.  So I pulled that out until I couldn't stand it anymore.  Good enough for now!

I also planted some cute yellow flowers that I picked up at the Mother's Day Plant sale at Landis Valley Museum.
I'd post a photo of them, but it's RAINING!!!! And I think I would even classify this as a downpour, so I'm not going out there!

After a few beautiful, sunny days, this weather is just what the big garden needs.  (Good thing I got some cucumber seeds in when I did.)

The thing about this rain, and the free time, is that it just makes me want to take a nap.  It just seems like the right thing to do on such a grey afternoon.  I'm holding out though.  I can make it through!

I do have a few projects going on right now:

The original ring. 
°Remake an engagement ring. (I must admit, I am glad to be redoing it.  I think it will look SO much better this way than how I originally made it.)  It is a rough diamond (great for those of us with self-diagnosed OCD who thrive on symmetry) and I tried to put it in prongs first. It looked so out of place.  So now, bezel it is.  And my, how I do love bezels. I was lost for a bit trying to design this ring, but then I realized, HEXAGON!  I love working with hexagons, and this stone lent itself to using a hexagon.  The puzzle started to make sense.  After photos coming.

°Make a pearl bracelet.
°Design some earrings for some friends.
°And, I am trying to decide if I should invest in a torch for lampworking (making glass beads.)  It would be an awful lot of fun...

I miss my co-op, and my classes.  It hasn't even been a week yet since I finished student teaching.  Luckily, I have lots to keep me busy (see above), but I realized that I certainly do like to teach- I think going back to school was definitely worth it.

The sun is breaking through the clouds now.  Maybe I'll find a rainbow.