Monday, June 17, 2013

(My) Summer Vacation

What will I do on my summer vacation?
Well, it's not really a vacation, per se, for me, but my husband is a teacher, and he is done with school for the summer, so it's something.
The day he finished, we packed up the car and headed north to Vermont, after some sad events.
First my studio pickle pot stopped working.
Then one of my old fish died.
Then I got news that my car needed more loving from the garage than I expected.  And a hard to find part.  
(So we piled our stuff and ourselves into my husband's two door car.  It worked just fine.)
The guys went fishing almost every day, and my mom and I, true to form, spent some time in the sewing room making thing like... New, cute diaper covers. Go figure.
We also took a side trip to Walmart.  Normally I stay far away from that store, but I wanted a nice white crock pot, and google said that was the place to find it.
It was a frightening experience. Character isn't quite an appropriate word to describe these people. But scary would work... I should have known better! My line options were 1) wait behind an obese, hillbilly couple with their yappy dog in the shopping cart, as they argue with the cashier about how much money is on which card, 2) wait behind a guy with a full belt of camping gear, 3) wait in any other line that had at least three or four customers with lots of stuff.  
I chose the camping guy.  Three cases of beer, one pair of new boots, a tent, the line that he can't buy cigarettes at and $459 later, it was my turn.  
No thanks, I don't need a bag.  
Thank goodness grandma stayed in the car with the sleeping baby!
But now I have a dandy, new, white crock pot with three heat settings, and it's already set up on my bench.  With my husband home, I got the chance to clean off my metals bench and get reacquainted with what I want to work on.  I pulled out lots of projects that I had started but never continued and set them all out.  
*clap hands together*  Where to begin?
Yeah, it's all tarnished and not so pretty now... But just you wait! 
I, for one, am excited!

Gardens are doing well.  We have a net up to keep the neighborhood bunnies out of our leafy vegetables, and a superb trellis *pat myself on the back* for the tomatoes and cucumbers.
Even the big garden is still under control.  (For now, and I really hope it can stay that way.)

I made more rhubarb muffins and granola bars.  Yummy, but I think I will still continue to tweak the recipes.  I also found, with the muffins, that I liked the way they baked in the silicone liners that were place on a cookie sheet more than how they baked in the regular metal muffin tin.  It was an interesting observation that I want to look into more.

Up next
Who knows what will happen next.  It's summer vacation!