Sunday, February 5, 2012


I was always jealous of those people at fairs and events who could make awesome balloon animals.
Well guess what, I'm on my way to being one of them...
Ok, maybe mine won't be as awesome, but they will still be pretty cool.
I had this idea for an art lesson.  Make balloon animals and then paper-mache them.  (Because balloon animals, at some point, wither away to shriveled rubber, but a paper-mache one will last indefinitely.)

So, here is my beginning: 

2 Giraffes

A Frog


A Dog

I'll have to try to paper-mache one of these- it may be a little tricky, but it's worth a shot!                         
Other than this project for today, there is oatmeal bread rising in the oven and some banana bread cooling on the counter.  A day filled with baking.  Yum.  


  1. Your next project must be build a guest house for me.

  2. is that because you miss me? i feel like i never see you anymore.
