Monday, December 16, 2013

Why I wasn't at my bench today...

I was making this.

It probably doesn't look like anything much at all to anyone right now, because it isn't done.

My friend sent me a text today, asking if I have a sewing frame.  
Many images flashed in my head, forcing me to ask for clarification. 
It turned out as I had thought: he was looking for a sewing frame for bookbinding, and while I didn't already have one, it has been on my list of things to make.  Way,  way down, pretty much at the bottom of the list, but it was there!

So the bambina went in her crib for a nap, and I began on a scavenger hunt, in the truest sense of the word, for pieces to use for this frame.

What I found were some old pieces of threaded rod that I had used with circles of plexiglass (I wonder where those went...) for a show that I did in college.  If I ever find some photos of that, it was pretty damn stunning, if I do say so myself! 
 *sidenote on the display*
People were playing ping pong in the common room, just over the half wall where my work was displayed, (it was college) and a stray ball knocked one of my pieces off of it's stand.  I don't even recall exactly which piece, but I do remember almost having a heart attack when it hit the concrete floor...

Back to today.
I found a strip of wood in the garage that I planed down to be slightly nicer.  I also found some nice plywood that was previously used for a built-in desk, so there were Plenty of screw holes already in it.  Score!

I took my loot down to the basement where I grabbed my (husband's) trusty razorsaw (one of the best Christmas gifts I've gotten him) off the wall and cut away. 

Then I couldn't find the coping saw, so I put my project on hold and chopped some veggies for dinner.

The end.
Stay tuned.

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