Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ready, Set... Go!

Today feels like one of those days
     So far
           That I am on top of things.

My husband is off to a day at work (Yay for a new job!!)
Following a good breakfast.
     Eggs with cheese on toast
            His topped with massive amounts of ketchup

The dishes are all clean.
      (Yes, this is a big deal!)

Everything is even prepared to make bread.

Yeast proofing
Cornmeal mixture cooling
and ingredients measured out and ready to go.

All I need to do is add hot water to my daughters oatmeal when she wakes up. 

     Even considering that my coffee isn't hot anymore, and I just noticed that my KitchenAid paddle attachment has a chip in the enamel, I think I am going to stick today in the "Win" column.

We are going to storytime today, and I have to do
some more work in the studio.

Even more designs are floating about in my mind, and I am getting excited to make more fun pieces, which most often means kinetic.

I will admit it, though.
It still is really hard to balance studio time with a kid and a home.
There are always dishes to wash
     laundry to do
     meals to cook
And when nap time comes around, it seems more important to take care of those everyday things, so as not to take away from family time with the people I love, then to sit and work in the studio doing something I love.
None the less, this is life, and it's a good one.
So I do take the time to get to everything, somehow.

Cheers to new projects.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Play kitchen!

It was nearly a month ago.
Time has apparently flown by, faster than I thought.
I woke up one morning and decided that it was the day.
The day to make my daughter a play kitchen.
She already had the pots and pans
and the (somewhat mismatched) tea set
She should have her own, proper kitchen, too.
One that I won't be upset putting out with the recycling when she gets bored of it and I decide it is taking up too much space.

So I plugged in my glue gun
Retrieved my x-acto knife and cutting board
and I began to measure and cut.

She got kinda mad at me, since I wasn't really playing with her
And she didn't understand that I was making something for her to play with.
Finally, when she went for her nap, I put the finishing touches on her new kitchen
I stocked the cabinets, put cupcakes in the oven,
and waited for her to wake up.

It was pretty great, if I do say so myself!

Just because it looked good, doesn't mean I don't have plans for the next one.
Let's just say the next one will be a little sturdier (I didn't think too much about the direction of the corrugation of the cardboard!  OOoops!)
The next one will also probably be a different size so it fits in our kitchen nicely, and we can cook at the same time!

Ahh, kids are fun.