Thursday, September 4, 2014

Play kitchen!

It was nearly a month ago.
Time has apparently flown by, faster than I thought.
I woke up one morning and decided that it was the day.
The day to make my daughter a play kitchen.
She already had the pots and pans
and the (somewhat mismatched) tea set
She should have her own, proper kitchen, too.
One that I won't be upset putting out with the recycling when she gets bored of it and I decide it is taking up too much space.

So I plugged in my glue gun
Retrieved my x-acto knife and cutting board
and I began to measure and cut.

She got kinda mad at me, since I wasn't really playing with her
And she didn't understand that I was making something for her to play with.
Finally, when she went for her nap, I put the finishing touches on her new kitchen
I stocked the cabinets, put cupcakes in the oven,
and waited for her to wake up.

It was pretty great, if I do say so myself!

Just because it looked good, doesn't mean I don't have plans for the next one.
Let's just say the next one will be a little sturdier (I didn't think too much about the direction of the corrugation of the cardboard!  OOoops!)
The next one will also probably be a different size so it fits in our kitchen nicely, and we can cook at the same time!

Ahh, kids are fun.

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