Saturday, March 2, 2013

Some progress

I went on a baking spree the other day. Well, I tried to, but many things seemed against me! I planned to make zucchini bread, to use up one of the many bags in the freezer, and thought, since I would have the oven on, I should make regular bread, and some berry muffins too, to use the blueberries and strawberries I so happily got on sale last week, and promptly forgot about in the fridge.

Banana Berry Muffins. 

Well, the cornmeal for the bread had to cool, then the dough had to rise, so I'd be baking it in, oh, say, three hours? Then I realized I'd need 3 eggs for the zucchini bread and one for the muffins. Since we only had three left, I opted to make the muffins the next morning so they'd be fresh and warm. So that was all well and good- dry ingredients for everything were all set to go. Then I saw that one of the three eggs had a crack in the shell. Really?! Fine, I'll just use two, I thought. Well, I should have at least added more liquid! We have some pretty dense zucchini bread now!

On the bright side, the muffins were tasty, despite their less than beautiful appearance.

I did get the chance to start to work on some earrings. Just have to finish working on them!
And I started my new project.
Felt animals!
I am quite excited about the little guys.
I have a bunch cut out, and I need to go get some embroidery floss. (I tried to get some yesterday- I was so close- but the store I went to was renovating, and apparently left some things out to get dusty. Not ok for kids toys...)

Still no tapioca plans.
And sometime this weekend, we are going to go to the fly fishing show :)

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