Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Waiting on a snow day

I waited last Tuesday night for snow to come. A huge storm, I thought, how could it miss us?
Well, it did. I'm done believing in weather predictions, they let me down something fierce this year.
But, before my hopes were so painfully crushed by the lack of snow, I did get to work on some earrings. And some felt animals.

Anyway, while we didn't get any snow, the day wasn't a complete bust. I woke up a little earlier than usual, probably from the excitement, and looked out the window to see the sad, grey morning. I thudded my way down to the living room with a glum look on my face, and my husband said, with a great smile on his, "I don't have school today!" What better way to celebrate that than to do our taxes?! April 15, you don't scare me!

That was about the extent of my productivity for a while, or at least that's how it feels.
Thursday, we had dinner at the pub with my in-laws, and Friday night, my parents arrived. They got here just before my husband had to leave to go play with his band at the smokiest bar in town.

Saturday there was lots of time to be had playing with the baby. We went fishing on Sunday, and my mother got to test out our new stroller. They stayed until Thursday morning, and amid all of the playtime, I did get to search some fabric stores with my mother.
We picked out lots of material, and I have a new diaper bag coming my way! (Our design, of course!) I also found some great material for one of my next projects...

I have some drawings done, but it's mostly in my head. So no sneak peeks!
Hopefully I will get the chance to work on them soon. This weekend looks like it may be full with friends and family, but I am really excited to start working on them! (Along with the busy weekend, I started to feel the urge today to get to spring cleaning. That has the power to stop me in my tracks, due to my self-diagnosed OCD.)

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